9.9. Web card learning task#

9.9.1. Assignment#

Exercise 9.4

Post an image of a web card style you like; include a link to the website the card is from

Cards are usually grouped images and text that serve as teasers to more information.

Here’s a sample of cards from BYU’s home page: byu card

Consider choosing a card design you’d like to use on your site, as I’ll deconstruct the cards in class to show you how they work. You can Google “best web card design” or some variation on that for more inspiration.

Find a card style you particularly like and

  • post an image of the card

  • post a link to the website that contains it

  • describe where the card appears on the page

  • explain, in one or two sentences why you picked this card

9.9.2. Rubric#


5 - includes a website URL, description of card location on web page, and short statement on why you picked this card

4 - missing short statement on why you picked this card

3 - no description of card location

2 - missing or inaccessible website URL

1 - Harold meme posted instead of assignment

0 - no post or late post