1.2. Configure VS Code#

Intro to VS Code editor#

Watch the video below, Learn Visual Studio Code in 7mins.


We will use Live Server for viewing web pages instead of the Live Preview extension shown in the video

Install extensions and configure settings#

Next, watch the demo video I created below to learn how to install the extensions required for the course and configure your User Settings JSON file. The extensions and JSON snippet are below the video.


The HTMLHint extension has changed, so install the one authored by HTMLHint, not the one authored by ctf0 that I show in the video. Also not in the video, install the Markdown Preview Github Styling extension. See the extension list below.


Make code look nice#

  • Prettier - Code formatter by Prettier

Avoid errors#

  • Code Spell Checker by Street Side Software

  • stylelint by stylelint

  • HTMLHint by HTMLHint ← This is different than what I show in the video; it took awhile for this extension to stabilize.

  • a11y-kit by MicroFish


  • Image Preview by Kiss Tamás

  • Live Server by Ritwick Dey

  • Markdown Preview Github Styling by Matt Bierner ← not in the video, but needed for using Github Classroom for assignments

Set Firefox as default browser#

To set Firefox as your live server default browser and to set your default formatters (I don’t like using Prettier on HTML), choose the command Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON) and paste the following into settings.json:

  "liveServer.settings.CustomBrowser": "firefox",
  "cSpell.dictionaries": ["lorem-ipsum"],
  "editor.linkedEditing": true,
  "editor.tabSize": 2,
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
  "[html]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.html-language-features"